Open a window
To open a window, click the Windows tab in the FXVoyager.
Under the Windows tab, click the name of the window you want to open. If the window is already open, clicking will switch focus to the window. (If the window is open in a different workspace, then that workspace will become active.)
Arrange windows
The quickest way to arrange all your currently open windows is with the Auto-Arrange tool. In the Windows tab of the FXVoyager, click the Auto-Arrange Windows button. This will arrange all windows that are open in the current workspace in order to fill the screen.
Arrange windows manually
While the auto-arrange tool will quickly arrange your windows, you may want to resize and arrange your windows manually (and then save your configuration as a profile).
For best results, go to Settings, and enable the Snap grid. Using the grid makes arranging windows very easy.
If you have many windows open, you should set up multiple workspaces.