Instrument name
The sum of all open position amounts measured in lots(amounts)
NH Lot
Not Hedged Lots - The sum of all unhedged position amounts measured in lots. For example, if there are 7 Buy and 4 Sell positions, then for the buy positions NH=7-4=3.
Sum of all open position amounts in contract currency measured in thousands (Am,K = number of lots * contract
NH Amt,K
Not Hedged Amount - the sum of all unhedged position amounts measured in 1,000 base currency units
B=Buy position; S=Sell position
Trader’s closing rate for all positions in this instrument
Average weighted trader’s opening rate for all positions in this instrument
Average weighted break-even point. The minimal rate at which all positions on this instrument from the selected accounts will not carry any loss.
Total gross Profit/Loss measured in pips for all positions on this instrument
Net P/L
Total net Profit/Loss measured in base currency. Positive P/L values have a green background; negative P/L values have a red background; zero P/L values have a white background.
Total gross Profit/Loss measured in pips for all unhedged positions. Positive P/L values have a green background; negative P/L values have a red background; zero P/L values have a white background.
NH Net P/L
Total net Profit/Loss measured in base currency for all unhedged positions (Note: The Net P/L value shown on the window title in the Not Hedged mode represents the exposure against all unhedged positions from the selected accounts.)