Price Alerts window columns

The Price Alerts window consists of two tables: Rate Alerts and Chart Alerts.


Columns of the Rate Alerts table



The instrument for which the Price Alert is set.



Indicates whether the Price Alert is set on a Bid or Ask rate.



The condition under which the Price Alert will be triggered. It is expressed as greater than or equal to (>=) or less than or equal to (<=) the rate of the Price Alert.



The rate at which the Price Alert will be triggered.


Columns of the Chart Alerts table



Displays the instrument and the time interval of the chart, from which the Price Alert is set.



Displays the selected direction of a trendline's penetration by chart (Any, From Below, From Above)


Send Alert

The condition under which the Price Alert will be triggered (Upon Penetration, Upon Candle Close)



Displays the name of the trendline, for which the chart alert was set.