The Remove method of TOrder objects allows you to remove orders. This method does not have any parameters. For example, you have an object Ordr:TOrder, that holds an order. To remove it, you need the following line:
Ordr.Remove; |
Example1: Let us create a strategy that will remove all the orders.
const StrategyName = 'Orders';
procedure OnStart; var i: Integer; begin for i:= OrderList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin if OrderList.Count>0 then OrderList.Get(i).Remove; end; end; |
Example2: Let us create a strategy that will remove all the stops and limits on the open positions.
const StrategyName = 'Orders';
procedure OnStart; var i: Integer; begin for i:= TradeList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin if TradeList.Get(i).LimitOrder <> nil then TradeList.Get(i).LimitOrder.Remove; if TradeList.Get(i).StopOrder <> nil then TradeList.Get(i).StopOrder.Remove; end; end; |