Accelerator/Decelerator Oscillator
Object Class: |
ADOscillator: TindicatorADOscillator; |
Creating the object |
ADOscillator := TIndicatorADOscillator.Create(History, 'ADOscillator'); |
Getting values |
ADOscillator.Graph.Last; |
Setting the parameters |
ADOscillator.PeriodSmall := 5; ADOscillator.PeriodBig := 34; |
Object Class: |
ADX: TIndicatorADX; |
Creating the object |
ADX := TIndicatorADX.Create(History, 'ADX'); |
Getting values |
ADX.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
ADX.Period := 14; |
Object Class: |
Alligator: TIndicatorAlligator; |
Creating the object |
Alligator := TIndicatorAlligator.Create(History, 'Alligator'); |
Getting values |
Alligator.JawGraph.Last Alligator.TeethGraph.Last Alligator.LipsGraph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
Alligator.PeriodJaws := 13; Alligator.ShiftJaws := 8; Alligator.PeriodTeeth := 5; Alligator.ShiftTeeth := 3; Alligator.PeriodLips := 8; Alligator.ShiftLips := 5; |
Object Class: |
Aroon: TIndicatorAroon; |
Creating the object |
Aroon := TIndicatorAroon.Create(History, 'Aroon'); |
Getting values |
Aroon.Graph.Last (if Aroon type ‘Oscillator’ is selected) Aroon.GraphUp.Last (if Aroon type ‘Indicator’ is selected) Aroon.GraphDown.Last (if Aroon type ‘Indicator’ is selected) |
Setting the parameters |
Aroon.Period := 14; Aroon.IsOscillator := True; |
Auto Trendlines
Object Class: |
AutoTrendlines: TIndicatorAutoTrendlines; |
Creating the object |
AutoTrendlines := TIndicatorAutoTrendlines.Create(History, 'AutoTrendlines'); |
Getting values |
AutoTrendlines.Resistance.Last AutoTrendlines.Support.Last |
Setting the parameters |
AutoTrendlines.BarsToCalculate := 34; AutoTrendlines.BarsBackToBegin := 2; AutoTrendlines.PointsToBreak := 1; AutoTrendlines.ColorSupport := clGreen; AutoTrendlines.ColorResistance := clRed; |
Average True Range
Object Class: |
ATR: TIndicatorAverageTrueRange; |
Creating the object |
ATR := TIndicatorAverageTrueRange.Create(History, 'AverageTrueRange'); |
Getting values |
ATR.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
ATR.Period := 14; |
Awesome Oscillator
Object Class: |
AwesomeOscillator: TIndicatorAwesomeOscillator; |
Creating the object |
AwesomeOscillator := TIndicatorAwesomeOscillator.Create(History, 'AwesomeOscillator'); |
Getting values |
AwesomeOscillator.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
AwesomeOscillator.PeriodSmall := 5; AwesomeOscillator.PeriodBig := 34; |
Bollinger Bands
Object Class: |
BollingerBands: TIndicatorBollingerBands; |
Creating the object |
BollingerBands := TIndicatorBollingerBands.Create(History, 'BollingerBands'); |
Getting values |
BollingerBands.TopGraph.Last BollingerBands.Graph.Last BollingerBands.BottomGraph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
BollingerBands.Period := 20; BollingerBands.Deviation := 2; |
Chandelier Stop
Object Class: |
ChandelierStop: TIndicatorChandelierStop; |
Creating the object |
ChandelierStop := TIndicatorChandelierStop.Create (History, 'ChandelierStop'); |
Getting values |
ChandelierStop.Short.Last ChandelierStop.Long.Last ChandelierStop.LongValue(i) ChandelierStop.ShortValue(i) |
Setting the parameters |
ChandelierStop.ATRPeriod := 22; ChandelierStop.EMAPeriod := 20; ChandelierStop.Factor := 3; ChandelierStop.WaitForClose := True; ChandelierStop.PointsToSwitch := 1; ChandelierStop.ColorShort := clRed; ChandelierStop.ColorLong := clGreen; |
Commodity Channel Index
Object Class: |
CCI: TIndicatorCommodityChannelIndex; |
Creating the object |
CCI := TIndicatorCommodityChannelIndex.Create(History, 'CommodityChannelIndex'); |
Getting values |
CCI.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
CCI.Period := 14; |
Object Class: |
DeMarker: TIndicatorDeMarker; |
Creating the object |
DeMarker := TIndicatorDeMarker.Create(History, 'DeMarker'); |
Getting values |
DeMarker.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
DeMarker.Period := 14; |
Dual Moving Averages
Object Class: |
DualMovingAverage: TIndicatorDualMovingAverage; |
Creating the object |
DualMovingAverage := TIndicatorDualMovingAverage.Create (History, 'DualMovingAverage'); |
Getting values |
DualMovingAverage.GraphMA1.Last DualMovingAverage.GraphMA2.Last |
Setting the parameters |
DualMovingAverage.PeriodMA1 := 7; DualMovingAverage.PeriodMA2 := 14; DualMovingAverage.KindMA1 := makSimple; DualMovingAverage.KindMA2 := makSimple; DualMovingAverage.ColorMA1 := clGreen; DualMovingAverage.ColorMA2 := clNavy; |
Object Class: |
Envelopes: TIndicatorEnvelopes; |
Creating the object |
Envelopes := TIndicatorEnvelopes.Create(History, 'Envelopes'); |
Getting values |
Envelopes.TopGraph.Last Envelopes.BottomGraph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
Envelopes.Period := 14; Envelopes.Deviation := 10; |
Object Class: |
Flipit: TIndicatorFlipit; |
Creating the object |
Flipit := TIndicatorFlipit.Create (History, 'Flipit'); |
Getting values |
Flipit.Top.Last Flipit.Bottom.Last Flipit.TopValue(i) Flipit.BottomValue(i) |
Setting the parameters |
Flipit.Period := 4; Flipit.PointsToSwitch := 2; Flipit.ColorTop := clGreen; Flipit.ColorBottom := clRed; |
Object Class: |
Fractals: TIndicatorFractals; |
Creating the object |
Fractals := TIndicatorFractals.Create(History, 'Fractals'); |
Getting values |
Fractals.Value(i) |
Setting the parameters |
Fractals.Period:=5; |
Gann Swing Chartist
Object Class: |
Gann: TIndicatorGannSwingChartist; |
Creating the object |
Gann := TIndicatorGannSwingChartist.Create (History, 'GannSwing'); |
Getting values |
Gann.UpSwing(i) Gann.DownSwing(i) Gann.UpTrend(i) Gann.DownTrend(i) Gann.UpTrendGraph.Last Gann.DownTrendGraph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
Gann.FastTrack := True; Gann.PointsToSwitch := 0; Gann.BarsToSwing := 3; Gann.Period := 3; Gann.ColorUp := clGreen; Gann.ColorDown := clRed; |
Object Class: |
Gator: TIndicatorGator; |
Creating the object |
Gator := TIndicatorGator.Create(History, 'Gator'); |
Getting values |
Gator.GraphUp.Last Gator.GraphDown.Last |
Setting the parameters |
Gator.PeriodJaws := 13; Gator.ShiftJaws := 8; Gator.PeriodTeeth := 5; Gator.ShiftTeeth := 3; Gator.PeriodLips := 8; Gator.ShiftLips := 5; |
Hi Lo Activator
Object Class: |
HiLo: TIndicatorHiLoActivator; |
Creating the object |
HiLo := TIndicatorHiLoActivator.Create (History, 'HiLoActivator'); |
Getting values |
HiLo.ShortStopGraph.Last HiLo.LongStopGraph.Last HiLo.Short(i) HiLo.Long(i) |
Setting the parameters |
HiLo.Period := 3; Hilo.PointsToSwitch := 2; HiLo.WaitForClose := True; HiLo.RealTime := True; HiLo.ColorShort := clRed; HiLo.ColorLong := clGreen; |
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo
Object Class: |
Ichimoku: TIndicatorIchimoku; |
Creating the object |
Ichimoku := TIndicatorIchimoku.Create(History, 'Ichimoku'); |
Getting values |
Ichimoku.GraphTenkan.Last Ichimoku.GraphKijun.Last Ichimoku.GraphSenkouSpanA.Last Ichimoku.GraphSenkouSpanB.Last Ichimoku.GraphChinkouSpan.Last |
Setting the parameters |
Ichimoku.PeriodTenkan:= 9; Ichimoku.PeriodKijun := 26; Ichimoku.PeriodSenkouSpanB := 52; |
Object Class: |
Kairi: TIndicatorKairi; |
Creating the object |
Kairi := TIndicatorKairi.Create(CandleHistory, 'Kairi'); |
Getting values |
Kairi.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
Kairi.Period := 12; |
Keltner Channel
Object Class: |
KeltnerChannel: TIndicatorKeltnerChannel; |
Creating the object |
KeltnerChannel := TIndicatorKeltnerChannel.Create(CandleHistory, 'KeltnerChannel'); |
Getting values |
KeltnerChannel.GraphMiddle.Last KeltnerChannel.GraphUpper.Last KeltnerChannel.GraphLower.Last |
Setting the parameters |
KeltnerChannel.PeriodMiddle := 10; KeltnerChannel.PeriodATR := 20; KeltnerChannel.CalculateBy := cbClose; KeltnerChannel.MA_Type := mkEMA; KeltnerChannel.Dev := 1.5; |
There are 5 different price values that can be used for calculating Keltner Channel: Open, Close, High, Low, and Typical. You can indicate the Calculate By parameter in the procedure OnCreate (cbOpen, cbClose, cbHigh, cbLow or cbTypical). If you do not include this setting, cbClose will be used by default.
There are 4 types of moving average that can be used for calculating Keltner Channel: Simple, Exponential, Smoothed, and Weighted. You can indicate the type you want as a parameter in the procedure OnCreate (mkSMA, mkEMA, mkSMMA or mkWMA). If you do not include this setting, mkEMA will be used by default.
Linear Regression
Object Class: |
LinearRegression: TIndicatorLinearRegression; |
Creating the object |
LinearRegression := TIndicatorLinearRegression.Create(History, 'LinearRegression'); |
Getting values |
LinearRegression.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
LinearRegression.Period := 14; |
Object Class: |
MACD: TIndicatorMACD; |
Creating the object |
MACD := TIndicatorMACD.Create(History, 'MACD'); |
Getting values |
MACD.Graph.Last MACD.SignalGraph.Last MACD.HistoGraph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
MACD.PeriodShorterEMA := 12; MACD.PeriodLongerEMA := 26; MACD.PeriodForSignal := 9; |
Object Class: |
Momentum: TIndicatorMomentum; |
Creating the object |
Momentum := TIndicatorMomentum.Create(History, 'Momentum'); |
Getting values |
Momentum.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
Momentum.Period := 16; |
Moving Average
Object Class: |
MA: TIndicatorMovingAverage; |
Creating the object |
MA := TIndicatorMovingAverage.Create(History, 'MovingAverage'); |
Getting values |
MA.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
MA.Period :=5; MA.Kind := makSimple; |
Parabolic SAR
Object Class: |
ParabolicSAR: TIndicatorParabolicSAR; |
Creating the object |
ParabolicSAR := TIndicatorParabolicSAR.Create(History, 'ParabolicSAR'); |
Getting values |
ParabolicSAR.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
ParabolicSAR.InitStep := 0.02; ParabolicSAR.MaxStep := 2; |
Perry Kaufman’s Adaptive Moving Average
Object Class: |
AdaptiveMA: TIndicatorAdaptiveMA; |
Creating the object |
AdaptiveMA := TIndicatorAdaptiveMA.Create(History, 'AdaptiveMA'); |
Getting values |
AdaptiveMA.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
AdaptiveMA.Period := 10; AdaptiveMA.FastPeriod := 2; AdaptiveMA.SlowPeriod := 30; AdaptiveMA.Shift := 0; AdaptiveMA.CalculateBy := cbClose; |
Pivot Points
Object Class: |
PivotPoints: TIndicatorPivotPoints; |
Creating the object |
PivotPoints := TIndicatorPivotPoints.Create(CandleHistory, 'PivotPoints'); |
Getting values |
PivotPoints.Resistance3.Last PivotPoints.Resistance2.Last PivotPoints.Resistance1.Last PivotPoints.PivotPoint.Last PivotPoints.Support1.Last PivotPoints.Support2.Last PivotPoints.Support3.Last |
Setting the parameters |
PivotPoints.Period :=12; |
Price Channel
Object Class: |
PriceChannel: TIndicatorPriceChannel; |
Creating the object |
PriceChannel := TIndicatorPriceChannel.Create(CandleHistory, 'PriceChannel'); |
Getting values |
PriceChannel.GraphHigh.Last PriceChannel.GraphLow.Last |
Setting the parameters |
PriceChannel.Period := 12; |
Range Action Verification Index
Object Class: |
RAVI: TIndicatorRAVI; |
Creating the object |
RAVI := TIndicatorRAVI.Create(CandleHistory, 'RAVI'); |
Getting values |
RAVI.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
RAVI.PeriodShortSMA := 7; RAVI.PeriodLongSMA := 65; |
Rate of Change
Object Class: |
ROC: TIndicatorROC; |
Creating the object |
ROC := TIndicatorROC.Create(CandleHistory, 'ROC'); |
Getting values |
ROC.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
ROC.Period := 10; |
Relative Strength Index
Object Class: |
RSI: TIndicatorRSI; |
Creating the object |
RSI := TIndicatorRSI.Create(History, 'RSI'); |
Getting values |
RSI.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
RSI.Period := 14; |
Standard Deviation
Object Class: |
StandardDeviation: TIndicatorStandardDeviation; |
Creating the object |
StandardDeviation := TIndicatorStandardDeviation.Create(History, 'StandardDeviation'); |
Getting values |
StandardDeviation.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
StandardDeviation.Period := 10; |
Object Class: |
Stochastic: TIndicatorStochastic; |
Creating the object |
Stochastic := TIndicatorStochastic.Create(History, 'Stochastic'); |
Getting values |
Stochastic.GraphK.Last Stochastic.GraphD.Last |
Setting the parameters |
Stochastic.Period := 5; Stochastic.AveragePeriod := 3; Stochastic.Slow:=True; Stochastic.Slow:=False; |
Stochastic RSI
Object Class: |
StochasticRSI: TIndicatorStochasticRSI; |
Creating the object |
StochasticRSI := TIndicatorStochasticRSI.Create(History, 'StochasticRSI'); |
Getting values |
StochasticRSI.GraphK.Last StochasticRSI.GraphD.Last |
Setting the parameters |
StochasticRSI.Period := 5; StochasticRSI.AveragePeriod := 3; StochasticRSI.Slow := False; |
T3 Tilson
Object Class: |
T3Tilson: TIndicatorTilson; |
Creating the object |
T3Tilson := TIndicatorTilson.Create (History, 'Tilson'); |
Getting values |
T3Tilson.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
T3Tilson.Period := 7; T3Tilson.Factor := 0.7; T3Tilson.CalculateBy := cbClose; |
Object Class: |
TRIX: TIndicatorTRIX; |
Creating the object |
TRIX := TIndicatorTRIX.Create(CandleHistory, 'TRIX'); |
Getting values |
TRIX.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
TRIX.Period := 15; |
Weighted Close
Object Class: |
WeightedClose: TIndicatorWeightedClose; |
Creating the object |
WeightedClose := TIndicatorWeightedClose.Create(CandleHistory, 'WeightedClose'); |
Getting values |
WeightedClose.Graph.Last WeightedClose.GraphMA.Last |
Setting the parameters |
WeightedClose.Period := 10; |
William's Percent Range
Object Class: |
WilliamsPercentRange: TIndicatorWilliamsPercentRange; |
Creating the object |
WilliamsPercentRange := TIndicatorWilliamsPercentRange.Create(History, 'WilliamsPercentRange'); |
Getting values |
WilliamsPercentRange.Graph.Last |
Setting the parameters |
WilliamsPercentRange.Period := 14; |