The Dealing Rates window displays current rates as provided by the dealing desk for each instrument. By default the arrangement of instruments in this window is the same as in the in the Instruments window. However you can modify the list of instruments in several ways.
Rearranging: It is possible to change the arrangement of instruments in the Dealing Rates window by clicking and dragging the instruments. Position the mouse over the instrument name. When the cursor turns to , click and drag the instrument.
Removing: If you drag an instrument from the Dealing Rates window outside the window boundary and release the cursor, the instrument will be removed from the Dealing Rates window and opened as an Individual Dealing Rate window.
Cloning: You can Ctrl+click on an instrument in the Dealing Rates window and drag it outside the window. This will open an Individual Dealing Rate window for that instrument without removing the instrument from the Dealing Rates window.
Resizing: When the Dealing Rates window is resized, the size of the individual dealing rates within the window will automatically adjust to the new size of the window. The number of columns in the Dealing Rates window is set in the window settings, and remains fixed regardless of the size of the window.
Note: The Bid/Ask buttons and the instrument header have a fixed height, but not a fixed width. The tick charts do not have a fixed size.