Date/Time Functions

function EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day: Word): TDateTime

Converts year, month and day into a date

procedure DecodeDate(Date: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: Word)

Converts a date into year, month and day

function EncodeTime(Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word): TDateTime

Converts hours, minutes and seconds into time

procedure DecodeTime(Time: TDateTime; var Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word)

Converts time into hours, minutes and seconds

function Date: TDateTime

Current date

function Time: TDateTime

Current time

function Now: TDateTime

Current date and time

function DayOfWeek(aDate: DateTime): Integer

Day of the week

function IsLeapYear(Year: Word): Boolean

Check if leap year

function DaysInMonth(nYear, nMonth: Integer): Integer

Number of days in a month